Building the future
The Original C.O.R.E. program is a retreat program developed for and with the Catholic School Board, aimed at the teachings around Laudato Si, Pope Francis’ message on “Care for Our Common Home.” Students learn valuable lessons on how to keep our environment thriving and to always be aware of their impact on their surroundings; all within a classic camp environment.
Since the time of the original, we have developed several other CORE programs to help expand your school’s desire to teach the curriculum. They all focus on our Catholic faith, but also explore areas such as science, art, team building, and anti-bullying.
Another development that we have made is to change our time format. Ideally, we love to have kids over three days so that we can really get into our program. But we also understand that this is not easy from the school’s point of view, therefore we provide the possibility of a single day as well as multiple-day programs.
With fun and interactive activities and games, students will develop their leadership skills, work as part of a team, and become closer to God in His natural playground.

School Programs
There are many kinds of C.O.R.E. programs, and we are willing to work with you to make one tailored for your school. Although we love 3 day programs because they allow for a good immersion into the topic we are trying to present, we are willing to either expand or shrink our schedules to accommodate your school’s needs. The one thing that we will not change however is our commitment to bring a quality God centred Catholic program for our students.

Restore Earth
Based on Saint Pope John Paul 2’s “Laudato Si” – “Care for Our Common Home.” Students learn valuable lessons on how to keep our environment thriving and to always be aware of their impact on their surroundings.

Sacred Mysteries: The Sacraments
Baptisms, Eucharist, Marriages and washing dishes? How does God want us to become who we are through and in the world around us. As Saint Theodore the Studite says: “Mater Matters.”

Team Building
Bonding together as a class, a grade, or a school is important. Be challenged to “hit the mark” with archery, teamwork, and other group adventures.

Our Story Our Faith
Believe it or not, the Bible is OUR story, and we are an integral part of it. Learn the Catholic faith from Alpha to Omega, in this narrative overview of both the Old and New Testaments.

Praying The Face of Christ
Have each of your students write a traditional Byzantine Icon of Jesus, while learning about him and how to pray. This is a favourite of school art teachers and chaplains alike.

Forgiveness, Understanding, and Love
We all need to be able to listen to each other, be ourselves, and reconcile past difficulties. With food, fun, friends and faith, we can overcome racism and bullying.

Custom Curriculum Program
Need to figure out how to teach an outcome or two for your class? Wetlands, trees, weather, rocks & minerals, simple machines, plants, recycling, evidence and investigation… we can work with you to set up a custom program in God’s playground.
Let’s Start Something new!
Have questions about one of our programs? Leave your information and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!